
The Light of Tuscany

With Alex Hillkurtz

At Lucca , Tuscany - Villa Vistosa

20 May - 30 May, 2025

In this workshop I will teach you techniques to enhance the story you want to tell with your painting: composition, perspective, lighting, detail (or lack of detail). We will work in watercolour sketchbooks, and larger sheets, and the media will be pencil, pen and ink, and watercolour. I will show how I choose a composition designed to draw your eye into a piece. Using a quick pencil sketch to jot down spontaneous ideas, then moving to ink for rough details, and finally watercolour, I will show you how I “see” the subject on the page, and how to avoid common mistakes. I will share insights about the importance of light and shadow to define shapes, perspective to add depth, and colour to tell a story. Most of all we will have fun! You’ll come away with a sketchbook you can be proud of, full of your unique paintings and colorful memories of this beautiful part of the world.

Course Highlights

  1. Lessons by Alex
  2. Day trips to : Lucca , Carrara , Pietrasanta , Lerici & San Terenzo , Florence
  3. Cooking Lesson with personal Chef
  4. Classical concert in a Romanesque church
  5. Glamorous Tuscan farewell dinner, Pizza Party and best Italian Food and Wine during entire stay

Day by Day Workshop Schedule

  1. Day 1: The arrival day! Group will be picked up from Pisa/Florence airport or Lucca Station beetween 3:00pm - 5:00pm. Arrival , unpack , settle in the villa , time to rest. Around 6.00pm welcome gathering with Alex and Karolina on day-to-day schedule and workshop plan, goals , and challenges. Dinner home served 7:00pm
  2. Day 2: Home day. First session with Alex in the studio start 9:30am . Lunch at 1.30pm. Time to rest,swim,take walk or nap. 5:00 pm Cooking class- with Chef Karolina-Dinner for everyone served 7:00 pm (massages available for non cooks)
  3. Day 3: Breakfast at the terrace serve 8:30am. Introduction to Lucca 10:00am - Starts at the Art store. After session with Alex on Piazza Anfiteatro , later time for lunch and shopping on own , with a map in your hand.Departure 5.30pm for apericena with friend Giacomo.Back home 8pm
  4. Day 4: Time to explore Tuscany! Florence day tour, upon arrival session with Alex ,later time to explore on own with a map in your hand, lunch on own. Return home 5:00pm for pizza party at the villa.
  5. Day 5: Home day! …breakfast 8:30 am , time to relax and enjoy surrounds - session with Alex start 10:30am. Lunch at 1:00pm under pergola prepared by our Chef. Post lunch it is time to go back to Lucca to explore more! Meeting 6.45pm for Puccini concert and dinner in our favorite restaurant.Back home 10:00pm
  6. Day 6: Brekfast time , departure to Carrara -for the marble tour , later on Collonata village for lunch at ,,Lard Rock Café,, later medieval town of Pietrasanta, known as the “City of Artists” has deep roots in Italy’s legacy of art and sculpture.We will visit the church with Fernando Botero art. Around 4pm sketching session on the main square. Back home to Villa ,time to rest , dinner al fresco 8:00pm
  7. Day 7: Home Day. Breakfast 8.30-9.30am , Later session with Alex , Lunch at 1:00pm , Afternoon visit in Matraia -sketching opportunity capturing little old village.we also will visit Gino salumeria- You will taste his best products as salami and prosciutto served with hill produced wines ( feat for foodies!) Dinner served 7:00 pm
  8. Day 8: Wine tasting day! Breakfast 8:30am ,session with Alex under pergola , lunch home 1:00pm , time to rest . Departure for wine tasting at 3:30pm with the local bio-dynamic producer. Back home for dinner 7:00pm
  9. Day 9: Time to explore Liguria! 09.00am: Breakfast en-route. A day trip to beautiful Lerici and San Terenzo magnificent coastal town in Liguria - session with Alex, time to shop, explore and relax on own . Lunch on own . Return home at 6:00pm. Dinner served 7.00pm
  10. Day 10: The last day of workshops! You’ll start the day with breakfast at 8:30am. The group will finish their art works. After lunch at 1:00pm, there’ll be time to pack, relax, and rest. Later in the afternoon, we’ll create a gallery with all of your works! You’ll enjoy this with a spritz and casual spuntini. At 7.00pm there’ll be a glamorous gala dinner offering the best Tuscan cuisine along with homemade verbencello.
  11. Day 11: Departure day☹ Breakfast at 8:30am. After breakfast (10:00am) the group will be taken to Lucca train station or Pisa airport.

Course Cost: 4549 Euro

Everyone should visit Italy at least once in their life.
Make 2023 your year to follow your passion and discover the Tuscan countryside, stroll through historic villages, enjoy a cappuccino in Lucca, taste the best sea food in Portovenere , sip a glass of the best Sangiovese wine from the local producer. Wont you come along with us?
Tuscany is waiting...

Included in the cost of your workshop in Tuscany:

• Instructions and lesson by Alex

• Beautiful accommodation

• All excursions

• All tuition fees

• All activities

• Airport transfers and local transportation including day trips to Lucca , Carrara , Pietrasanta ,Florence , San Terenzo & Lerici

• All breakfasts lunches and dinners (excluding 3 lunches)

• The use of folding chairs, easels


• Flights to and from Pisa /Florence

• 3 lunches (Lucca, Florence , Lerici & San Terenzo )

• supplies


To sign up, a deposit of 1000 Euro is required.

Reserve your place now, so you don't miss out!

Contact Karolina to register :